
在追求生活最美好、最舒適模樣的腳步中,誕生了生活風格暨餐飲品牌「ACME」。ACME意味著我們以多元的方式,深入探索品味生活的各個面向。從早午餐餐廳起步,我們贏得了名聲,隨後推出了獨具特色的咖啡廳店型「CAFE ACME」。


品牌的理念也延伸至藝術與人文。於2021年底,我們榮幸地進駐台北市立美術館園區,接手了圓山別邸的經營權。我們將這個古蹟空間重新注入生命,打造成獨特的展演空間「MAISON ACME 圓山別邸」。在這裡,藝術與生活交織,成就了一場無比精彩的藝術盛宴。


Brand Story 

In pursuing life's finest and most comfortable essence, the lifestyle and dining brand "ACME" was born. We embrace diversity to explore the various facets of taste in life. Starting from our brunch restaurant, we've earned recognition and introduced the distinctive coffee shop concept - "CAFE ACME". 

Each of our coffee shop locations is nestled in a rare tranquil corner of the city, serving exquisite European-style brunch paired with locally roasted coffee. This isn't just a delectable dining experience; it's a celebration of life's exquisite taste.

The brand's philosophy extends into the realms of art and culture. Towards the end of 2021, we proudly established our presence in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum precinct, taking over the operation of the Yuan Shan Vila. We revitalized this historical space and transformed it into a unique space brand - "MAISON ACME". Here, art and life intertwine, creating a captivating artistic spectacle.

From dining to art, we consistently forge ahead. The trajectory of our brand's growth isn't confined to just these realms; it expands further through cross-industry collaborations into every corner of life. We embrace AMCE's unwavering pursuit of refined living and relentless exploration, passing on this brand spirit to continue touching the hearts of all those who seek a more beautiful life.
